Deadlines (Application Receipt Dates)
The standard receipt dates (NIH) apply to most applications for NIH funding.
Receipt dates for some initiatives or funding announcements such as Requests for Applications (RFAs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are different. Please refer to the specific funding opportunity announcement.
Continuous Submission
As part of the commitment to recognize outstanding service provided by peer review participants and members of NIH advisory groups and to minimize disincentives to serving, the NIH has implemented new policy and procedures. Appointed members of NIH review and advisory groups and peer reviewers with recent subtantial service (six times in 18 months) are allowed to submit their research grant applications (R01, R21, or R 34) on a continuous basis and to have those applications undergo initial peer review in a timely manner.
Related Notices Published in the NIH Guide
NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications (NOT-OD-11-035)
NIH Policies on additional Material Submitted After the Receipt Date (NOT-OD-10-115)